Monday, March 15, 2010

For some people, music is all about death metal. A dose of death metal guitar playing can often get the blood rushing and the adrenaline pumping. No wonder, followers of metal music are seen head banging at concerts. Death and dark metal music can also been mixed with other forms of music like Middle Eastern, Jazz and Classical genres to produce musical magic. There are many online lessons that could help in understanding the breadth and depth of this genre that is full of intensity and spicy variations.

Although playing death metal apparently seems like an art beyond normal humans, many online guitar lessons can take enthusiasts closer to this dream one step at a time. There are many online courses that are helpful in perceiving the fine line that separates the styles of playing guitar for death metal and normal rock.

The variations of sound in playing dark metal music are what set it apart. The vocals are primarily low pitched, but full of thunder and intensity with occasional groaning too. To support these vocals, the guitar too needs to produce powerful and pounding notes. The term online lessons would use for this is 'power chord'. A power chord is simply a bass version of an actual chord. In other words the top three strings, which are heavy and produce a bass sound, are predominantly used.

Death metal guitar playing demands a wide range of skills. Some of the online lessons lend more insight into these techniques. For example, sliding the fingers across the fret board produces a gentle and gradual rise of pitch. Multiple slides would help the guitarist link different scales across the fret board. Be it choking the strings, hammering one string at a time or gently touching them, playing metal is all about mixing different styles to avoid the monotony of a single sound.

The mastery of certain guitar scales such as the Locrian scale will aid greatly in your guitar playing. Much of the heavy metal and darker sounding solos can be derived from playing the Locrian scale. The use of inverted power chords with the bass notes will also help you create a dark and heavy tone off your amplifier.

One must realize that there are a lot of exercises that could help in mastering these frills and pull them out at will. One needs good finger strength and the ability to stretch them quickly and deftly. A good online course would hence be a guide towards developing the technique required to play death metal on a guitar.

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